Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I just returned from a fun-packed trip which I will fill you all in shortly. I'm going to wait and try to get some pictures up to go with my stories. But I wanted to give you a complete explanation of the book part of my blog. As you all know, I LOVE to read and try to do so daily. The types of books I like are fiction, generally historical fiction but will read almost any kind of fiction. So under the Recent Books, you will see the 3 most recent books I've read and added to the blog. If you click on the book cover, it will take you to a generic link which will give you some reviews and links to amazon and the like. If you click on the part that says my library it will take you to all the books I've read and listed. On that part of the site, I've given each book a star ranking based on five stars so then you'll know how much I liked the books. Hope you readers out there find it useful!


Anonymous said...

I understood most of what you were saying, but I've just got one question... What is a book? :)

Anonymous said...

yeah - I want more - keep reading and then telling me what I should read. I love it! - Andrea